Monday, December 23, 2019

Fashion Vs Fashion Essay - 1827 Words

Chapter 1 - 2013 Hundreds of people walk past me every day. No, in fact thousands and thousands of them walk past me every day. Well, I say walk but what I really mean is that some of them run, some of them hobble and some of them stomp but most, yes most, people skank past me in a kind of weird tribal fashion. They may think their God’s gift but in reality they’re just sacrificing their personality to fit in with what’s currently deemed to be stylish. Unfortunately for them, fashion is highly disputed in this modern false economy because it s so subjective and it rapidly evolves; this creates tension and provides difficultly for my equal fellows, when they try to imitate the queens of the catwalk. Personally, I only think trends exist,†¦show more content†¦One day I can be as high as a kite and then it comes crashing down. Everything’s always changing, although recently it’s usually for the worst. I don t know why that is but I think luck significantly, pl ays its part. Throughout this current life, I ve been called every name under the sun. Initially, I wasn’t aware that such words and phrases even existed but now I’m just used to it. Nothing shocks me anymore! There was a time when swearing was only used to express anger and frustration, when someone was at the lowest of their low. Now it’s common place. Maybe people are now more impatient and are constantly looking for something new to gripe and moan about. Nowadays, when I see people go to purchase their weekly Indian takeaway, they almost shout the place down, when they realise the price of a poppadom has increased by only five pence and these certainly aren’t isolated incidents. They happen every second of every minute of every hour of every day. Wherever I go and whatever I do, it’s almost impossible to avoid this unnecessary onslaught of insults and prejudice. If I read any article in the tabloids, if I listen to anyone’s conversation in the streets, if I see someone’s video blog on the internet, chances are that I ll come across some absolutely vile language for no meaningful reason. There’s really no getting away. Nowadays, even some of the most sophisticated of society swear to sound casual. If they actually listened to themselves ratherShow MoreRelatedFashion Stylists vs. Fashion Designers Essay591 Words   |  3 PagesFashion Stylists vs. Fashion Designers Fashion stylists and fashion designers have some similarities, but the differences are very evident. Fashion stylists hold the job title of someone who selects the clothing for published editorial features, print or television advertising campaigns, music videos, concert performances, and any public appearances made by celebrities, models or other public figures. Fashion designers simply create garments to be worn and purchased by the general public. 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