Wednesday, November 20, 2019

Evaluation Argument Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words

Evaluation Argument - Essay Example Regulations that would control production of materials in media that do not meet ethical requirements have not been made. Where these regulations exist, very few people have confidence in them. The major cause of worry is the fact that these media products are accessed by small children who are easy to influence. With education and training, children access these social media services. Media sites are made available to these children because they come in a wide variety. Many organizations and groups have risen in opposition to media sites that advance immoral behaviors, but still a lot is left to be done. Organizations that are opposed to these media sites raise the question of who allows these unethical materials and the motives of producers. In the current world, technological advancement has saturated the world reaching to young children. Children are allowed to watch games that emphasize on winning and losing. Although these values are good to adults, it takes away the values of loyalty for seniors from the value system of children. On the other hand, time on social media has taken the time for family discussion. Dinner conversations have been overtaken by facebook, twitter, emails, and websites. Watching movies and TV shows have taken the place of counseling for children by parents. This has resulted in children who have no value for ethics (Carter 29). The technological advancement has made media devices too available for young children. This way, young children are able to operate computers and access sites that are not showing ethical materials. Sites that show naked people are popular among children as a result of peer influence. These have resulted in decay of morals of these young children. Use of media has not been subjected to social ethic scrutiny. This has resulted in production of materials that are against widely accepted morals within a society. Regardless of this, there are no functionally reliable laws to regulate materials that are posted i n social media. In America, TV industry was allowed to employ free rating in production of their programs. This allowed them to regulate what they produce regardless of who they reach. In return, the TV industry has resulted in production of programs that are indecent morals. Many of American citizens believe that this law will help reduce the rates of indecency acts in media (PR Newswire par 3). Awareness of existence of these media sites that show immoral materials are known by all people including policy makers yet little has been done about them. Religious organizations raise alarm but little response is realized. On the other hand, individuals who have been found guilty of publicizing immoral materials have not been convicted because are there are no laws that regulate materials to be published. There are few states that have regulations laws that bind violators of moral values. According to PR Newswire (par 5), TV industries accept payment for morally indecent materials that m ay promote moral decay of the people who consume them. Federal Communications Commission allowed these productions to go on air arguing that these programs should be run at a time that is later than midnight. On other cases, internet service providers receive money from producers of immoral programs and blogs and websites. This has deteriorated the case of immorality levels in the world (PR Newswire par 5-7). The behavior of children and adults who consume these materials continue

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