Saturday, February 15, 2020

Women politics and rights Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2000 words

Women politics and rights - Essay Example Female education refers to the complex set of debates and issues that are related to the education of women across the world at all levels starting from primary to tertiary education. Female education touches on issues of gender equity and equality, access to proper education and how this is connected to the alleviation of poverty that women tend to experience (Chng, 2002). Female education also involves the issues of single-sex education and that of religious education.Most feminist movements have over time promoted the importance of all the issues that are linked to female education making the topic to be wide and making the issues to be narrowly defined by the scholars (Collins, 2009). Female education may include issues like AIDS education that equips the ladies with first-hand information on how to prevent them from being infected and affected by the deadly HIV infection. Although, in some areas, women have made it in education more than their male counterparts, like for instanc e, in the US in 2005/2006, a total percentage of 62 of women obtained associate degrees, 58 percent attained bachelor's degrees, 60 percent masters and 50 percent got their doctorate degrees. Again, the education of women with disabilities has also improved with time (Mettler, 2000). There have been calls to improve the level of education of the girl child because it has demonstrated an ability to have clear effects on the economy and the general health of young women and it improves the prospects of the women’s’ community.

Sunday, February 2, 2020

Refer to other instructions Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2500 words

Refer to other instructions - Essay Example Subsequent to the closure of the first generation P2P networks, other companies, like Gnutella, entered the fray. Gnutella is a P2P network that operates by means of proxy servers. This network permits its subscribers to be anonymous. These types of networks are less vulnerable to legal action. Freenet functions as a parallel network to the Internet. It has all the feature of a P2P network, and it was developed on the P2P network technology. In this technology, the required information or data is not stored on servers at permanent locations. The information is delivered to the user only when the user demands the information. The subscribers to this network can therefore act anonymously; and the flow of data or content cannot be tracked (Dong, Li and Chen). The present Internet Service Providers or ISPs are not providing sufficient protection to the content that is stored on the servers. Similarly, the ISPs are not safeguarding the interests of the users of the internet. Even the most famous and well established internet based companies are not respecting the rights of the users. There are several cases against these companies on the charges of copyright infringements. One such company is Yahoo, which blatantly ignores the rights of the internet users. Similarly, there are a number of infringements of music industry’s rights on the internet. In order to address this problem, the WIPO had provided several guidelines, in its Treaties in the year 1996 (Kennedy). The music industry is losing its legitimate revenues due to this illegal downloading of music through the internet. At present, the music industry is the largest loser. In the future, the new budding music stars would publish their music works on the internet and make it available for the general public, without any cost, in the hope of gaining fame (Seifert and Hadida). At the moment